A List of Appropriate Academic Hoods Color

Your graduation day is coming and you are absolutely excited to participate in this big event of your life. Since this is the great period to celebrate your honor, this is also your verification day to ease yourself from a long-drawn-out study. In addition, the graduation day gives you contentment with what you deserve to achieve and to anticipate in the future. With every skill that you learned over the years in school, will you become a better person, and contribute to your family and to the society where you belong?

A significant milestone will start on the day of your graduation. Turn this day remarkable to you and your family. Wear the best academic regalia, and give yourself extra confidence showing your academic hood to the crowd. Academic hoods are set to designate your degree. If you finished doctoral degree, the importance of acquiring doctoral graduation cap way ahead as well as your gown should match to what you accomplish such as rich royal blue for Philosophy PhD.

Academic hoods have different colors. For most appropriate academic hood color according to the completed degree of the candidate, here is a list for the velvet colors:

Drab – Accounting/ Business Administration/ Business Education/ Commerce/ Commercial Science/ Industrial and Labor Relations

Maize - Agriculture
Blue-Violet – Architecture/ City Planning/ Regional Planning/ Urban Planning
White – Arts/ History/ Letters/ Literature/ Sociology
Light Blue – Arts in Education/ Counseling and Guidance/ Education/ Pedagogy/ Religious Education
Scarlet - Canon Law/ Divinity/ Sacred Theology/ Theology
Nile green - Chiropody
Silver – Chiropractic/ Naprapathy/ Oratory/ Speech
Orange - Engineering/ Civil Engineering
Crimson – Communication/ Journalism
Russet – Conservation/ Forestry
Science Gold – Criminology/ Environmental Science/ Industrial Arts/ Mathematics/ Military Science/ Philanthropy/ Physics/ Police Science/ Science
Lilac - Dental Surgery/ Dentistry
Brown - Dramatic Arts/ Fine Arts
Copper - Economics
Aquamarine - Foreign Affairs/ Optometry
Peacock Blue - Foreign Service/ Government/ Personnel Services/ Public Service/ Public Administration
Sage Green - Health and Rehabilitation/ Hygiene/ Physical Science/
Purple – Jurisprudence/ Law
Kelly Green – Medicine/ Osteopathy
Lemon - Library Science
Pink - Music
Apricot - Nursing
Olive – Pharmacy
Dark Blue – Philosophy/ Social Ethics
Nile Green – Podiatry/ Political Science/ Surgical Chiropody
Gold – Psychology
Salmon Pink - Public Health
Citron - Sanitary Science/ Social Science/ Social Service/ Social Work/ Urban Life
Gray - Veterinary Science

In order to determine the specific color for the academic hoods and regalia, you have to take note that all degrees under the PhD (in preference to Doctorate degrees) wear dark blue or the PhD Blue, or contact your school administrator to identify your exact degree title as well as your academic hood colors.

To purchase your hood, GradShop Academic Hoods Colors can help you locate the precise color for you. Just make sure that you indicate correctly your degree. Gradshop caters any type of graduation clothing you may need. They offer great services and accommodate your needs with guaranteed satisfaction. The prices are also tendered in cheaper. Graduation is a sign of a great memory to you and to your family; cherish it to a wonderful life ahead!

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