Collection: Kindergarten & Preschool Graduation Collars

Collection: Kindergarten & Preschool Graduation Collars

Kindergarten Graduation Collars

Graduation day is often looked forward to with immense anticipation, not only by kindergarten teachers and students, but also their parents! On this magnificent journey into grade school, your child’s graduation gown provides a traditional and sophisticated image. Some kindergarten classes may require your child to add a collar to their elementary school graduation gown. Offered in high quality shiny tricot Red, White, and Blue non see-through fabric will help add that look of elegance to your little scholar’s gown. At we understand your kindergartener’s graduation needs and they should be complemented with the appropriate accessories which will not only enrich their ceremony, but help create a stunning appearance. If you want to save money when purchasing, you will want to buy in bulk. We have now made it so simple to buy on-line or over the phone. Get in touch with us today!

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