The first two items that come to mind when you think of academic regalia will most likely be a graduation robe and a graduation cap, but if you were asked to come up with a third, you might think of a hood. Academic hoods are these special garments worn over the shoulders and back of the graduation robe. They come in a variety of styles, colors, and materials. In this article, we will talk about what they stand for as well as tips on how to wear them properly.
In many countries, academic hoods are part of a complete graduation attire. The United Kingdom, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and New Zealand are just a few countries who consider hoods as important as the mortarboard cap and the graduation gown. However, styles and designs of hoods vary widely, but it is believed that this important piece of garment originated in England. The old academic hoods were shaped like regular hoods, that is, they were made to also help the wearer stay safe from snow and rain. Nowadays, hoods are mostly used for ornamental purposes. A lot of universities all over the world consider fur as an integral part of a hood, although more and more institutions are foregoing this practice or going for artificial fur instead to comply with animal rights.
Silk, satin, and velvet or velveteen are other fabrics commonly used for hoods. What style of hood a graduating student will wear depends on the university he or she is under as well as what study he or she finishes. Even plain hoods look quite impressive, such as those made from one color. The more elaborate designs, such as those of a larger size or those made from two different colors and fabrics, are often worn by graduates and members of higher learning.
Wearing a hood isn’t rocket science but you can learn the best way to put them on through the GradShop academic hoods how to wear website page. Make sure that the outer part of the hood is the right side up and that the center isn’t twisted. The peaked part of the hood should fall exactly in line with the spine. Also, make sure that the ends of the hood are of a parallel length on your front.
It is likely that you won’t get to wear a hood every day so if you do need to put one on, make sure that it’s in pristine condition. Hoods should be left to hang or folded neatly when not in use, and make sure there are no stains or smudges else you will look shabby. A smooth, immaculate hood is an important part of your graduation attire, so do what you can to keep it safe and clean at all times.
For more information on hoods, check out The website also features images of different designs of academic hoods. Schools and universities can also request for bulk orders for hoods, graduation robes, caps, and other academic regalia like cords, stoles, diploma covers, and diploma frames.